Making Your Environment A Better Place

Developing A Plan To Dispose Of Hazardous Waste Safety And Legally

Hazardous waste can be a problem that many different size companies have to deal with. It is not just the large factories that generate waste that can harm the environment or people if it is not dealt with properly. In fact, your business may generate hazardous waste that you never even considered but if it does, you need to have a plan to deal with it. 

Engine Oil and Petroleum Products

This is a large category that encompasses a lot of different chemicals and products, but engine oil is a prime example of a waste material that can become extremely problematic without proper handling. Containing and disposing of the oil is regulated under federal laws and if you are not following the procedure, you may find yourself in a lot of trouble with the EPA (environmental protection agency) and your local government.

Setting up a plan to get rid of the oil may involve hiring a recycling company to come and drain your storage tanks every week or haul away some drums of used oil. For other products, you may be able to use the same company, but you will need to discuss the options and handling procedures with the company that is removing the waste for you. They will have guidelines that they have to follow and as a result, they will need to you follow the same rules on your end.

Chemicals and Product Castoff

In the production of products we use every day, there are chemicals and other materials that are either used in the manufacturing process or are produced as a result of the process, that is not part of the final product. If this is the case with something your company manufactures, it is important that the company put a plan in place to deal with the material. Some companies have developed ways to reuse these items, some recycle the waste through an outside source, and some pay for disposal services. 

No matter how you deal with the waste, keeping it out of water drains or off the ground is critical. Define what step in the production process produces the by-product or waste and then put a written procedure in place to deal with that material as it is created.

Guidelines, Laws, and Regulator Bodies

When it comes to regulating hazardous waste, in the United States, the EPA is the body that is going to have the most control over what you do or do not do with the waste. As you develop your plan for safe handling of your waste, make sure you understand the laws and regulations that apply to it and if you are not clear about something, contact the agencies that deal with it and ask some questions. They would rather help you stop a leak than have to deal with a spill or release of materials because you didn't understand the rules for safe handling.

For more information, you will want to contact a company such as Ohana Environmental Construction Inc.